Amla - The cell-rejuvenating Indian gooseberry

Amla - Die zellverjüngende indische Stachelbeere

We have taken a closer look at the medicinal plant/fruit Amla for you, because this power fruit is an indispensable part of Ayurvedic medicine and Ayurvedic cuisine.

Amla is the name given to the fruit itself, which is bright green and has a sour, slightly sweet and cooling taste. According to the Ayurvedic profile, it even contains 5 of the 6 tastes, namely sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and spicy. The Indian gooseberry has a Pitta and Vata reducing effect and, if consumed in excess, increases Kapha.

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is the powder of the dried Amla fruit

  • It is one of the most powerful cell rejuvenating agents (Rasayana) and is particularly suitable for high Pitta levels.
  • Amalaki supports blood health because it increases the number of red blood cells. It is therefore used, for example, in cases of anemia or bleeding (hemorrhoids).
  • The Indian gooseberry also supports bone tissue , builds it up and strengthens it. It is a proven remedy for osteoporosis and tissue deficiency conditions.
  • Amalaki is a tonic for skin, hair and nails and is recommended for hair loss, brittle nails and inflammatory skin reactions.
  • The powder has a digestive effect, is anti-inflammatory in the gastrointestinal tract, is considered an antihistamine and regulates blood sugar . It is used for colitis, gastritis, diabetes, constipation, digestive disorders, intolerances or liver and spleen weakness.

Amalaki forms the basis for the well-known boiled fruit puree (Chyavanprash), which is drunk in water or milk or eaten as a fruit spread.

The powder scores with an extremely high vitamin C content , various minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and many other beneficial plant substances.

You can find Amalaki in the following prana for you products, of course in organic quality:

Agni - belly in balance for a harmonious digestive fire
Asthi - balance and stability for your musculoskeletal system
Balyam - balance and resilience for a strong immune system
Shodana - Balance through cleansing the detox classics for your liver health and a balanced blood sugar level
Tanava - Balance for the day, deal with stress better and find more ease in life
Tvak - Skin in Balance the tonic for skin, hair and nails

The amalaki contained in Agni is rich in fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion.