Ayurvedic diet
as medicine

Ayurvedic nutrition involves selecting foods with certain properties, tastes and qualities that have a positive effect on your physical and mental health. The selection of foods and spices, the Ayurvedic preparation and the size of the portion of the food ensure that you digest the meals more easily. This relieves the digestive tract and stimulates the metabolism. This in turn ensures that metabolic processes in our body such as energy production, tissue formation and breakdown, and regeneration can function efficiently. We recover faster and better and have more energy. This is health care with Ayurveda and prana for you.

Would you like to learn how you can easily integrate the Ayurvedic diet into your everyday life to optimally nourish your body and mind? Then take a look at the coaching and programs from prana for you.

Hormonfreundliches Ayurveda-Frühstück gegen PMS und Co

PMS-Symptome, Wechseljahrbeschwerden, ein unregelmäßiger oder sogar ausbleibender Zyklus zeigen uns, dass unser Körper aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist. Die Ernährung spielt aus ayurvedischer Sicht eine wesentliche Rolle wieder in die Balance zu kommen.  Im Ayurveda...

Antialkoholischer Glühwein

Unser Rezept für einen ayurvedischen Glühwein - alkoholfrei! Zutaten: 1 Liter roter Biotraubensaft 1 EL Arishta-Kräutermischung Saft aus 4 Bio-Orangen (ohne Fruchtfleisch) 1 Zimtstange 4 Gewürznelken Zubereitung: 1 Liter Wasser aufsetzen und mit einem Esslöffel...

Ayurvedische Nusskipferl

Liebst du auch Kekse über alles und möchtest eine gesunde Variante ohne Industriezucker und viel Fett backen. Besonders Rezepte wie klassische Vanillekipferl oder Nusskipferl beinhalten große Mengen an Butter und Zucker, die deine Leber und...

Ayurvedische Maroni-Kugeln unser Detox-Dessert!

Liebst du heiße Maroni vom Weihnachtsmarkt genauso wie wir? Perfekt, etwas Gesünderes wirst du auch dort nicht finden! Dieser ayurvedische Snack ist sättigend, kalorienarm, Vata reduzierend und leicht verdaulich. Wenn du zu den Maroni-Liebhabern gehörst,...

Protein Porridge Ayurveda Style: Starte energiegeladen und ausgeglichen in den Tag!

Kennst du das Problem? Du genießt dein leckeres Porridge zum Frühstück und fühlst dich danach schnell wieder schlapp und energielos? Das liegt daran, dass herkömmliches Porridge meist reich an Kohlenhydraten ist, die den Blutzuckerspiegel in...

Rote-Bete-Suppe mit Koriander

Die Rote Bete, mit ihrer tiefrot leuchtenden Farbe und ihrem erdigen Geschmack, ist weit mehr als nur ein schmackhaftes Gemüse. In der ayurvedischen Tradition wird sie seit Jahrhunderten geschätzt für ihre vielfältigen gesundheitlichen Vorteile. Die...

Ayurvedic spring cuisine: Green asparagus and pea soup

Spring brings not only colorful blossoms and warming rays of sunshine, but also an abundance of fresh, seasonal ingredients that enrich your Ayurvedic cuisine. Asparagus and peas, two stars among the green vegetables, are not...

Ayurvedic spiced milk for a restful sleep

Healthy sleep – the basis for a happy and healthy life In our hectic everyday lives, it is often difficult to relax in the evening and get enough restful sleep. But lack of sleep can...

Ayurvedic potato soup

The warm, spicy potato soup is delicious and can be enjoyed as lunch or dinner. It is vegetarian and gluten-free. It can also be made vegan by replacing ghee with sesame oil or olive oil....

Roast chicken breast with broccoli vegetables

Juicy chicken breast meets crunchy broccoli vegetables: a simple and delicious dish for the whole family, ideal for lunch! Ingredients for 2 people: 2 organic chicken fillets 1 spring onion 1 head of broccoli 1...

Whole grain rice noodles with bell pepper spinach

A light, nutritious pasta dish with few ingredients, quick and easy to prepare. The wholegrain rice noodles are gluten-free and the ingredients can vary depending on the season. Ingredients for 2 people: 1 tbsp ghee/sesame...

Mungdal Bolognese on spelled noodles

Enjoy a healthy recipe with moong dal bolognese on delicious spelt noodles. Discover this high-protein, vegetarian/vegan recipe for a taste experience full of nutrients and flavor. Ayurveda meets Italy - a fine combination! Ingredients for...

Ayurveda is called
more conscious eating

In Ayurveda you try to satisfy all six tastes, i.e. sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart. Special attention is also paid to the atmosphere during the meal. You eat consciously, without hectic, stress or distractions such as television or smartphones. This way you can “feel” more consciously into your own body and notice when you are really full.

In Ayurvedic nutrition there is the so-called “80:20 rule”. This means that if you eat 80 percent of your diet according to your type, you can eat the remaining 20 percent whatever you want. The prerequisite is always that your digestive system is functioning well. We'll find out in training whether that's the case.