Your intestinal health - tips for a strong Agni

Deine Darmgesundheit - Tipps für ein starkes Agni

Intestinal problems are becoming more and more common!

In Germany, 8 million people suffer from chronic constipation, 10 million from irritable bowel syndrome and 25 million have diverticula (protrusions of the intestine) that can become inflamed. More and more diseases of the digestive tract are being diagnosed.

The causes can be traced back to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, environmental factors and genetic disposition. But how can we counteract this and focus on our intestinal health?

Ayurveda, the millennia-old Indian teaching, gives us some tips on how we can support our digestive processes, relieve the strain on the intestines and optimally care for our digestive fire Agni.

If our digestive power Agni does not function optimally, it can lead to digestive problems, flatulence, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, obesity, loss of energy and a weakened immune system.

Chew properly for healthy digestion

One of the most important tips is to chew thoroughly and slowly. The digestive process does not begin in the stomach, but in the mouth. Many people hardly chew their food and large pieces are swallowed quickly and end up in the stomach. However, the food stays in the stomach until the food pulp has liquefied. For some foods, this process takes longer than for others. Meat takes longer to digest than fruit due to its composition. If we chew well, we can support our digestive system, otherwise the food is not fully digested, which can lead to the formation of toxins (ama). This leads to putrefaction in the intestines, discomfort, a bloated stomach and foul-smelling stools, and subsequently to various illnesses.

Good chewing will

  • the food is broken down and thus easier to digest .
  • saliva flow is stimulated and digestive enzymes are produced, which are essential for the digestion of food.
  • promotes intestinal peristalsis
  • the feeling of satiety is triggered
  • reduces the risk of suffering from digestive problems.

Today we have 4 more important tips besides chewing that you can consider to maintain your gut health.

  1. No snacks: Meals need a certain amount of time to be fully digested. It is therefore important not to eat snacks until the previous meal has been fully digested.
  2. Digestive spices and plants: In Ayurveda we use plenty of spices in our food because their bitter and spicy taste promotes digestion. Certain herbs such as amalaki, shatavari, triphala, pippali (long pepper) and licorice harmonize digestion and promote detoxification. In our Agni set we combine herbs in tea and capsule form that bring the digestive fire into balance.
  3. Don't drink with your meal: Try not to drink anything or just a little warm water/herbal tea with your meal. Too much liquid, especially carbonated or cold drinks, disrupts the digestive juices and extinguishes our digestive fire.
  4. Eating according to your biorhythm: Our digestive power is best at midday, when the sun is at its highest. In Ayurveda, we recommend eating the largest meal of the day between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Early in the morning and late in the evening, our digestive fire is too weak to digest large quantities and difficult-to-digest foods.

    Do you want to bring your digestion into balance but don't know where to start? We're happy to support you in our 1:1 online consultations with Ayurveda practitioner Katharina Pindeus.

    Write us an email here with your request and we will accompany you on your way to optimal intestinal health. Discover our Agni digestive set here.

    The Agni digestive set includes the organic Agni capsules and the Agni tea. The set also includes a copper tongue scraper in a belly wool bag for daily cleaning of your tongue to improve your digestion.