Amaranth date energy balls


A healthy snack for in between meals, also ideal for the snack box.


  • 200 g dates (soaked in water for 1 hour)

  • 40 g hazelnuts

  • 40g almonds

  • 20 g popped amaranth

  • 20 g coconut flakes/oat flakes

  • 30 g cocoa

  • 1 pinch of rock salt

  • ¼ tsp vanilla powder

  • ½ tsp cinnamon


  1. Soak the pitted dates in warm water for at least 1 hour. Mix these together in a high-performance blender with all the ingredients except the popped amaranth to a homogeneous mass.

  2. Then stir in the amaranth. Add some water if necessary. Form a ball out of the mixture with wet hands. Store the balls airtight in the refrigerator. They last for at least 1 week.

My dosha tip: Suitable for all doshas in moderation. Dates have a Sattvic quality, which has a positive effect on our mental constitution by ensuring harmony, clarity, satisfaction and good immune strength.

Also try Shodana 's herbal blend for healthy blood sugar levels.

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€19,99 EUR