Protein-rich bliss balls

Proteinreiche Bliss Balls

The sweet taste makes us content and happy and gives us peace!


Sweets consist largely of carbohydrates in the form of sugar and unhealthy fats. We make sure that all three macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) are included in our recipes in order to avoid blood sugar spikes that rob us of energy (prana).

These energy balls are an ideal dessert after your main meal.

They are vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free and contain a lot of proteins and healthy fats in the form of almond protein and sesame butter.

Why are proteins so important? They not only maintain our body structures, but are among other things. responsible for a stable blood sugar level, which ensures long-term satiety and optimal metabolic processes. In our blood sugar balance e-book we convey this knowledge and share 44 simple recipes with you.

Ingredients for around 20 balls:

  • 130 g oat flakes

  • 60 g almond protein (you can also use partially deoiled almond flour)

  • 100 g applesauce (banana sauce would be a suitable alternative)

  • 70 g tahini (sesame butter)

  • 60 g maple syrup

  • 1 shot of pea protein drink (alternatively: soy or almond drink)

  • 50 g dark chocolate (85% cocoa content) chopped or drops


  1. Mix the dry ingredients together, then add the wet ingredients and mix well

  2. At the end, stir in the chopped chocolate and form small balls.

  3. If it's too sticky, just add some almond protein.

Ayurveda tip:

It is best to eat this sweet after your main meal and not as a snack.

Feel free to add spices such as Ceylon cinnamon, cardamom or ground ginger to support your digestive fire Agni. Cinnamon balances your blood sugar and gives you constant energy throughout the day.

Store the balls in an airtight container in the refrigerator or in a cool place.

Our Shodana capsules are a good addition to your meals, especially in spring and autumn. The ingredients stabilize blood sugar levels and stimulate metabolism and liver function.