Is cow's milk valuable in Ayurvedic terms?

Ist Kuhmilch ayurvedisch wertvoll?

Yes, if fresh, untreated and/or organic.

In Ayurveda, fresh cow's milk is considered a food that gives us satisfaction, vital energy (prana) and purity. In addition, it falls into the category of "rasayanas" . These are foods and plants that keep us healthy by rejuvenating our cells and providing a revitalizing effect. However, this effect only applies to milk and not to other dairy products.

But does all milk have this effect on our body and mind? Industrially produced milk cartons from the supermarket, which are heavily treated to ensure a long shelf life, do not have this effect. The highest quality is considered to be fresh, raw milk from local farms that has not been treated. This must be boiled before consumption. Alternatively, you can use non-homogenized organic cow's milk from pasture-fed cows. This is available in almost every organic store.

Proper preparation and consumption of cow’s milk

In Ayurveda, the way milk is prepared is crucial to how it affects us. Milk should never be drunk cold, as it is difficult to metabolize when cold. It is recommended to drink milk in small amounts and boiled, if desired with spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom or ginger. Milk is also often used to administer Ayurvedic medicinal plants, as it is an ideal carrier.

You shouldn't eat anything else with the hot milk except a few almonds or dried fruit. This combination would be an ideal way to start the day for those who don't eat breakfast, because milk has a perfect nutrient profile with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A latte after a meal is not recommended. It weakens our digestive power. Milk should not be consumed with salty or acidic foods or other animal products (e.g. meat or fish), as these combinations disrupt digestion.

Effect of milk on the doshas

The properties of cow's milk are soft, oily and cold. Its taste is sweet and generally does not increase any of the doshas. However, Kapha should consume milk with caution due to its nutritional properties. Milk generally softens the stool. This effect often makes it seem as if there could be a lactose or protein intolerance. In Europe, however, there are only rare cases of people who cannot digest lactose due to a lack of digestive enzymes. Goat's milk is easier to digest and therefore a good alternative to cow's milk. If you do not want to consume animal milk, plant drinks made from oats, rice, almonds or spelt are a good alternative.

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