Creamy millet and pear porridge: A healthy and delicious breakfast for every day

Cremiges Hirse-Birnen-Porridge: Ein gesundes und köstliches Frühstück für jeden Tag
The creamy millet and pear porridge is a delicious recipe, ideal for a gluten-free and nutrient-rich breakfast. Enjoy it with a cup of Shodana organic herbal tea blend for balanced blood sugar levels and more well-being.


  • 1 sweet pear

  • 50 g millet (I use quick-cooking millet, which is cooked for 10 minutes and is finer than golden millet)

  • ½ tsp ghee

  • ¼ tsp Ceylon cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp cardamom powder

  • Pinch of ginger powder

  • Plant milk/water

  • To garnish: blueberries and seeds of your choice


  1. Wash millet in hot water before cooking.

  2. Roast cardamom and cinnamon in ghee, stir in diced pear and fry briefly.

  3. Add the millet, add double the amount of uncooked plant milk or water and cook for 10 minutes.

  4. Garnish with blueberries and seeds. Sweeten with honey if desired.

My dosha tip: Millet is good for reducing Kapha due to its dry properties. For Vata constitutions, I recommend using more ghee and liquid in the recipe.

Discover our Ayurvedic Shodana tea blend: High-quality organic herbs bring Kapha dosha into balance. Stimulates the metabolism, drains and warms. Supports the digestive fire Agni for harmonious well-being.